Friday, May 30, 2008


Why is eating breakfast so important ?
Think about it. beginning your day without breakfast is like trying to fly a kite without any wind! In fact, your body never stops working, even when you sleep! so, after a long night;s rest, you need to refuel yourself with breakfast !!/

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


In China they do a lots of recycle, because they have a lots of land, and they get a lots of population and factories, so they can make a lot, like rice, and something else ,,
So you can see many stuff is from China.
And they have a lots of factories in there we can find like trash, and something that we could recycle them , and they are just recycle it, and they are save the environment, and save money !!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


On March 26, an environmental group called frogwatch found the monster toad with the body the size of a football! It is the biggest toad ever found in Australia. It is 50 centimeters long and weighs nearly one kilogram! "It is huge! The biggest toads are usually females, however it is male !! impossible is nothing !

Sunday, May 18, 2008


Is eating foods in Korea is safe ??
-- Recently in Korea's foods the people finding strange substance the whole Korean citizen be shocked through article and news most populate snack in Korea they found a rat's head in there, it is very terrible, and they found the rusty knife in tuda I hope it is never happen again .

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

China Earthquake,,

In China they got terrible occur earthquake in China, the power was 7.8 and 10000 people were dead ,,,, that's terrible, even it is happened in China !! not in the island , think about it even the as soon as born some babies are die ,, so the news said the time is life we have to use time to good things ,, I agree, it is terrible , god . never happen it again in the world .

You can see video in this web-site

What's wrong with plaglarsim anyway ???

It is just like cheating so bad ,, just see the others work and copy and paste them ,, such as for example we go to the internet and we having a homework with science we just go some website, and just look at it and copy and paste them, another one is we are doing science problems, we can find a solve in the book we just go to the book and find the same word and copy and paste them even we don't understand .

then when we get test we can't use computer and cannot do anything and you can't write anything it is so bad ,,, be honstly ..


In Korea Elmentary people's population is getting smaller than before.
nowadays the people who are the Elmentary people is 10220000 people, but !! before since 1980 years Elmentary people was 14000000 people !!! , 4180000 people got nothing,,,

we need more people

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Important News.

In Korea we get a big trouble, big trouble is recently we have new president, his name is Lee-Myung-Park he born in Japan, we have big trouble !
it is Korea is going to import the cow in America, however during the import Korea can't do anything, so In Korea they say Korean are going to die at 2030 years the whole people is going to be die, so I was really desperate with it, I just thought that I might die at 2030 years,,,,,,

Monday, May 5, 2008

After read Student 2.0

I think the writhing's important material is 6 materila such as like why ?? what ?? which ?? how ?? where ?? these 6 things are most important to writhing .

When we use them our writhing is going to be really greatful, because it effect like in detail, we can write in detail .